British Heart Foundation

A summary of the British Heart Foundation's open access policy and their requirements for researchers who receive funding from them.

Requirements overview

Requirement Detail
Acknowledge the funder Required
Data accessibility statement Not required
Rights retention statement Not required
Specific licence APC has been paid – CC BY licence required
Embargo limit 6 months or less
Deposit locations EPMC
APC payment exclusions Page and colour charges excluded
APC payment source Oxford BHF block grant current status: Open for applications
Other notes  

Further information

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What is covered by the policy

"[The] final published version or accepted manuscript of each peer-reviewed primary research paper or non-commissioned review article."

Further criteria

EPMC deposit

"If the journal does not offer an immediate open access option, your article should still be made freely available in Europe PMC no later than six months after publication. If the journal offers a service to deposit your article in Europe PMC, you should choose this option. If not, you'll need to self-archive." 

Licence requirement

"In the case of immediate open access, authors and publishers should license research papers using the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY 4.0)."

Paying for British Heart Foundation publication

See Applying to the block grants

"We will not support APCs associated with commissioned or invited review articles, conference proceedings, editorials, letters or commentaries and any other charges associated with publication, such as page and colour charges."

(All quotations taken from British Heart Foundation policy page on 08/06/2023)

The Oxford British Heart Foundation Centre of Research Excellence (Oxford BHF CRE) is a network of researchers across Oxford, underpinned by a grant from the BHF. Research across the Oxford BHF CRE covers the entire cardiovascular research spectrum, from discovery science through to clinical and population health research. The BHF grant provides the opportunity for funding schemes including pump priming awards, research fellowships, collaboration awards and development of cardiovascular research facilities, alongside networking events including an annual research symposium and ‘emerging theme’ meetings.

Acknowledging the Oxford BHF CRE in research publications

  • Oxford BHF CRE award holders: Any publication arising from your award must acknowledge the Oxford BHF Centre of Research Excellence by grant code (RE/18/3/34214). You will be eligible for Open Access charges support from the BHF block grant.
  • Where possible, in any publication arising from cardiovascular research in Oxford, please include 'Oxford BHF Centre of Research Excellence' in your address, after your departmental affiliation or within the funding acknowledgments. This is to highlight the value of the CRE in promoting cross-discipline cardiovascular research and collaboration opportunities. For example:

[PI name] acknowledges support from the BHF Centre of Research Excellence, University of Oxford,

Labels in Symplectic

Once you have accepted a publication into Symplectic Elements, please add a label to indicate 'BHF CRE Acknowledgment'. This will help the ORA team to collect publication data for the annual report.