[Last updated 2024-10-01]
The University of Oxford Open Access Publications Policy, and University Statute XVI which covers intellectual property rights, have now been updated to incorporate rights retention. This re-affirms the University’s preference for the green or self-archiving route to open access.
Rights retention allows authors to retain the rights to their work, rather than signing these over to a publisher. This means authors can share and reuse their work without having to seek the publisher’s permission.
From 14 October 2024, by virtue of their employment and without requiring any action on their part, employees at the University provide the rights to make author accepted manuscript versions of their articles and conference proceedings available under a Creative Commons Attribution Licence (CC BY 4.0) at the point of publication.
Read the Open Access Publications Policy
Read the University Statute XVI
To utilise rights retention, authors can simply deposit the accepted manuscript of their work to the Oxford University Research Archive (ORA), the University repository, and the repository team will make it available once it has been published. Authors wishing to opt-out will be able to do so on a work-by-work basis when depositing their papers into the Oxford University Research Archive (ORA) via Symplectic Elements.
Learn more about rights retention
Locate the opt-out form here (SSO required)
Learn more about depositing into ORA